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Flabbergast your officemates on a lazy Tuesday afternoon or on a boring Wednesday where all of you are incessantly yawning and scratching your heads, undecided on what to do with the dullness and monotony in the office! Times like these are often considered the least pleasant moments, but if you just use your creativity and concern towards your colleagues who are already wallowing in boredom and lifelessness, then you can certainly change the atmosphere at work - and everyone will love you for that!
But sure you do not have time and you don't want to spend too much sweat in pulling off an highly structured surprise. So to spice up your workplace, you need an element that will help you create that massive shock and entertainment that your bored coworkers need. Give them the gift of laughter and exhilaration as you witness how their jaws drop in this funny personalized pre-written fake news article that is bound to give them an unforgettably mirthful time at work!
The fake joke newspaper article "Headache Sufferer Diagnosed" is the perfect newspaper prank for your boss and colleagues. Do you have a malingering officemate? Do you have a coworker who always calls in because of an incessant headache? Do you have a crazy colleague? Or you just want to terrify an annoying person at work? If you answer is "Yes!" to all of the above, then this personalized news is the excellent ingredient in transforming your office into a one helluva place.

Aside from using this as a perfect newspaper prank at work, you can even utilize this amusing story to prank your family, buddies and even neighbors! Just let us know what information you want to change or add in the story and be prepared to giggle with delight as you receive this funny personalized pre-written article printed on a newspaper in just a few days! For only $9.99, you and your friends slash prank victims are bound to have a fantastic moment during a time that you normally sulk or whine. Spice up the ambiance at work or at home with this funny pre-written fake news article from FakeNewspapers.com!
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