Image Source: stevepb / 413 images via Pixabay under the CC0 Public Domain license.
If you still can't get over of the spooky Halloween stories that you see on TV or read on funny fake newspapers recently, then entertain yourself and flummox your friends with a fake joke article that expresses every guy's worst nightmare!
What would you do if you have read on a local newspaper that a member of your family, a friend, colleague or the most annoying boss you'll ever have suffers a broken boner? How would you feel? Of course, you'll be shocked and feel terribly sorry if the person is dear or close to you. But if it happened to a person who's giving you a hard time, to someone who have been bullying you and is a certified pain in the a*s, it may perhaps be exhilarating, right? ;)
The funny joke newspaper article from FakeNewspapers.Com is a perfect item for family pranks and certainly an excellent gift for a friend who has been bullied by someone.
Surprise your family with this scandalous funny joke article in the upcoming holiday or reunion! You can have yourself as the subject, or ask a family member your accomplice to act as the sufferer on the said awful news. Upon receiving your Pre-Written Newspaper, have it photocopied in several sheets to distribute among them and witness how they get horrified and shocked all at the same time!
If your friend is being bullied for being too nice and too forgiving, get the bully's name and have it printed on this joke article, and anonymously distribute it in the neighborhood or office where the bully is in! What a great way to avenge your poor friend!
Browse through this incredible collection of Funny Pre-Written Articles from FakeNewspapers.Com: Funny Fake Newspapers
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