Wanna get married but don't want to as of yet? Like to get hitched but still undecided, or you just wanna have fun? Either way, a moment of delight and laughter is surely on its way with a fake marriage certificate!

There's heaps of ways to use a fake marriage certificate. Place this on your living room so when your folks come over, they'll get flabbergasted that you're already married! LMAO! Post it on your Facebook on April Fool's (or any day you feel like taking revenge) and put your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend in a state of shock. Provide the name of your biggest crush, post it on your bedroom wall, and use it as a motivational certificate! Who knows? Unless your crush is already dead, we’ll never know if you'll be your crush's future partner. #wishfulthinking J If you're indeed married but don't want to be displaying the authentic one at home (coz you're too overprotective of it!) then the fake marriage certificate is truly a great idea. Use it as a gag wedding gift, a bridal shower surprise, or for your own brilliant gift plan for a fantastic time!
You will receive two identical certificates. Certificates are pressure embossed with a notary-type stamp in the upper left, for that genuine touch.
To order the fake marriage certificate, CLICK HERE. Also available in Spanish.
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