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Fake Newspaper


Are you popular for your tardiness? Do "Incident Reports" and do suspensions seem to be a regular thing to you? Well, this fake newspaper prank will surely put everyone in shock!

Fake Newspaper

Ever come a time where you feel like you can't do anything about your situation? Don't worry, cheer up and be positive enough that brighter days are on their way! You don't have to feel hopeless, sad and a failure. Actually, your mistakes and shortcomings as an employee, or even as a person can be the key in finding your happiness and improving yourself. This amazing personalized "Nicest Employee Award" will do wonders to your life!

Want some motivation? Have your name printed as the subject on this personalized newspaper then post it on your bedroom wall. You'll be surprised how positive and all motivated you'd get the next morning upon seeing this, all pumped up to be the best that you can be.

Want to take revenge? On your last day at work, even if you were terminated or you are forced into resigning, post this up on your social media page and let your colleagues scratch their heads in confusion as to why the hell you received this award!

You can also use this as a sarcastic gift to an employee who just doesn't want to behave! Naughty, but who  knows how this reinforcement could take you?

Check out this fake joke newspaper article and find out the innumerable ways in pulling off this fake newspaper gag! NICEST EMPLOYEE AWARDEE JOKE ARTICLE


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