We all know that Halloween is definitely over. And at last, we can now satiate the saccharine scent of the Christmas air, while feeling the breeziness of this season. But alas! Evoking that emotion is definitely ruined by the frantically heavy traffic, and by the surge of the shoppers doing their last minute Christmas shopping sprees. You couldn't actually savor the yuletide vibe because of that unpleasant encounter at the mall, with your loudmouthed neighbor! Oh boy. If you're hopeless, then this funny fake newspaper article is a timely aid indeed.
Does the thought of your neighbors staying at their homes during the busiest time of the year sound appealing? Well, brace yourself for this awful and absolutely startling news! The "ORGAN HARVESTERS" STRIKE AGAIN article will definitely bring your neighbors and the people in your area into an anxious and panicky mode, preventing them to go out frequently, thus making the roads in your neighborhood less congested, and at the same time, allowing you to have a peaceful and liberating shopping time!

Organ Harvesters in a Theater Near YOU
Organ Harvesters.
We've all heard the rumors.
Are they real or not?
Who cares.
Leave a few of these around the neighborhood, at the laundromat,
on the bulletin board of the local Mom and Pop, in the lobbies
of hotels, motels, in 7-11s, send one to your Mother-in-Law.
Order lots of copies. Then sit back and watch the fun.
Who says you can't have a Halloween-themed prank on Christmas? If it's beneficial to our environment (less smog from the cars!) and advantageous for your sanity (no more annoying neighbors finally!) then this funny fake article is faultless! Order this funny fake newspaper article now!
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