Organ Harvesters in a Theater Near YOU
Organ Harvesters.
We've all heard the rumors.
Are they real or not?
Who cares.
Leave a few of these around the neighborhood, at the laundromat,
on the bulletin board of the local Mom and Pop, in the lobbies
of hotels, motels, in 7-11s, send one to your Mother-in-Law.
Order lots of copies. Then sit back and watch the fun.
You tell us the neighborhood; we'll do the rest.
(We offer another version of this in which the victim has a bandage over his face, and we feature you, or the person of your choice, as the "harvestee" with the photo you supply inset as usual. Great fun.)
Doctors keep vigil over local man
"Organ Harvesters" Strike Again
Seventh Case in as Many Months
Yourtown---- (NOTICE: Any names of towns, locations, people, institutions, etc., used in these sample fake newspaper stories, are purely fictional, chosen at random, and are not meant to portray or represent any real person, place or deed. Remember that no matter what name a writer chooses to use in any fictional story, there is a real person (or many persons) SOMEWHERE who have that exact name.)
A local man hovers between life and death after being assaulted by "organ harvesters"--- the seventh incident in nearly as many months, in four states.
Ho Sing, a 34 year old warehouse worker, was found in his own bed in critical condition Thursday morning when he failed to report for work. His eyes and one kidney had been crudely removed.
"The (thieves) took the organs in a rough and hasty procedure," said ER surgeon Dr. Donald Walker. "They made a half hearted attempt at closing (the incisions of) Mr. Sing after the, uh, operation, but it appeared as though they didn't really care if he lived or died."
"There have been a lot of rumors flying around-'local legend' kinds of things," admitted Sgt. Adam Laskey with the Pierce Co. Sheriff's office. But we've only documented the three cases locally. We're hoping this isn't the beginning of a trend."
It's believed that several foreign factions are responsible for the organ thefts. "These groups generally anesthetize an entire household by pumping various gases into a structure after a family is asleep," continued Sgt. Laskey. "It's silent and effective. Then they're free to enter the home at will, knock the victim out with an injection, and remove whatever organs they feel they can sell to desperate recipients. Often they botch the removal and the organ is wasted, and often they can't find a recipient with matching tissue types, and the organ is wasted. There is no crime more dumb than this."
Three fatalities are associated with this bizarre crime; four more victims languish with near mortal injuries.
See Need for Organ Donors on Rise Page D-5
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