Slacker? Slacker? Who's a Slacker?
We all know a slacker---or two. Give 'em the gift of love. Let 'em know they're noticed. Show 'em how much you care.
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Local man, Casey Jones awarded Kent's "Slacker of the Year".
Local Man Gets Coveted Slacker Award
Says He's Worked Hard for the Honor and Feels He Deserves It.
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A Seattle employee for Hanson Inc. was awarded the city's first annual "Slacker Award" today. Casey Jones, a dock worker for a local warehouse, was chosen in a unanimous vote by friends, fellow employees, and, surprisingly, by the Kent City Council.
"We've never seen so many people pull together in such a concerted effort." Said Eileen Johnson, who worked on the nomination committee. "It was so refreshing to see so many of Kent's citizens utterly galvanized in this movement. We all wanted Casey to win. He was the natural choice. In fact," Ms. Johnson added, lowering her voice, "Casey was the only nominee."
When asked why the city decided to award the honor this year, the Mayor was quoted as saying, "Mr. Jones's level of commitment and his attendance record of late just seemed to call out to the community: 'I'm a slacker!
I'm the King of Slackers everywhere! Recognize me!' "Well," the Mayor went on, "we just couldn't ignore this man's accomplishment. It deserved attention and recognition, and that's what we're giving him."
Jones will be enjoying the fruits of his award soon. The city plans to have a gift certificate delivered to the Jones residence. Officially, it's contents were unknown; however this reporter has learned from reliable sources that Mr. Jones will be given a certificate for "Dinner for One at Burger World," (redeemable only at the Miami outlet).
Comments from the man's superiors at Hanson Inc. were less than gracious, with Mr. Jones's boss saying candidly, "I hope he chokes."
See SLACKERS, a sleazy new class of American, Page D-5
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